Thursday, July 30, 2009

Claudia is in CA

Well what started off as a trip due to a parent in the hospital has turned into a creative adventure. The parent ended up to be fine, so why not take advantage of the 3 weeks in California. I will be postin' about my trip to Los Angeles and all of the fantastic stores and scores when I get back to my normal life around Aug 13.
I have been a SEWING MACHINE since I've been staying with my parents. Three new Chirps and 11 tote/market bags and its only been a week so far.
Stay Crafty


Holly said...

That sounds like a blast! Enjoy the trip, you adventurous thang!

Brigid said...

I'm so glad your dad is doing OK. Aside from that scare, I'm jealous of your craft-cation. Sounds so productive and fun!